- skeyti
- n.метательное оружие (копьё, стрела и т. п.)
Old Norse-ensk orðabók. 2013.
Old Norse-ensk orðabók. 2013.
skitter — /ˈskɪtə/ (say skituh) verb (i) 1. to go, run, or glide lightly or rapidly: *sat silently on the sofa, her children skittering around her. –dorothy hewett, 1999. 2. to skim along a surface. 3. Angling to draw a spoon or a baited hook over the… …
skeet — ☆ skeet [skēt ] n. [20th c. adoption and alteration of ON skeyti, projectile, akin to skjōta, to SHOOT] trapshooting in which the shooter fires from different stations, usually eight, at clay disks thrown from traps to simulate birds in flight … English World dictionary